
Fisher-Yates algorithm for sampling


No matter how simple your code may be, there's no substitute for testing it to make sure it's actually doing what you think it is.

When asked to perform hold-out validation, Vita takes the input dataframe, containing all the available expressions, and moves a given percentage of random examples to a validation dataframe.

Initially the two steps of the partitioning were:
  1. a complete shuffle of the input dataframe via std::shuffle;
  2. a shift of the last portion of the shuffled input dataframe to a new validation dataframe.

Step 1 was sub-optimal since the validation dataset is usually small compared to the training set. We can easily perform a partial shuffle with the Fisher-Yates algorithm.

Fisher-Yates (modern) algorithm

The general idea is to start from the last element and swap it with a randomly selected element from the whole array including the last one (so in the $0$ to $n-1$ range). Then consider the slice from $0$ to $n-2$ (size reduced by $1$), and repeat the process till hitting the first element:

from random import randint

def shuffle(arr):
    for i in range(len(arr)-1, 0, -1):
        j = randint(0, i)
        arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]

    return arr

and, for a partial shuffle:

from random import randint

def shuffle(arr, skip):
    for i in range(len(arr)-1, skip-1, -1):
        j = randint(0, i)
        arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]

    return arr

After such a partial shuffle, the slice $arr[k], arr[k+1], ..., arr[n-1]$ contains a randomly shuffled uniform sample of $n-k$ values drawn, without replacement, from the original array arr.

The entire shuffle can be performed in-place, without any extra space. Time complexity is $O(k)$ (the algorithm needs to shuffle each item only once).

Hint of correctness

The probability that a given element of the original array (say the $i$-th element) goes to last position of the shuffled array is $1/n$, because we randomly pick an element in first iteration.

The probability that $i$-th element goes to second last position can be proved to be $1/n$ considering the two cases:

  1. $i = n-1$ (index of last element).

    The probability of last element going to second last position is:

    \mathbb{A} = "last\ element\ doesn't\ stay\ at\ its\ original\ position"\\
    \mathbb{B} = "index\ picked\ in\ previous\ step\ is\ picked\ again"\\
    \begin{eqnarray}P(\mathbb{A}) \cdot P(\mathbb{B}) = \frac{n-1}{n} \cdot \frac{1}{n-1} = \frac{1}{n}\end{eqnarray}
  2. $0 < i < n-1$ (index of non-last).

    The probability of $i$-th element going to second position is:

    \mathbb{A} = "i-th\ element\ is\ not\ picked\ in\ previous\ iteration"\\
    \mathbb{B} = "i-th\ element\ is\ picked\ in\ this\ iteration"\\
    \begin{eqnarray}P(\mathbb{A}) \cdot P(\mathbb{B}) = \frac{n-1}{n} \cdot \frac{1}{n-1} = \frac{1}{n}\end{eqnarray}

The proof can be generalized for any other position.

The algorithm can also be rewritten in a recursive way:

from random import randint

def shuffle(arr):
    def shuffle(arr, N):
        j = randint(0, N-1)

        arr[N-1], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[N-1]

        if N > 2:
            shuffle(arr, N-1)

    shuffle(arr, len(arr))
    return arr

Now proving correctness isn't too difficult. The last element is chosen with uniform probability. Recursively, given fixed values for $arr[i+1..N-1]$, $arr[i]$ is chosen from the remaining elements uniformly as well. Overall, this means that all $N!$ permutations are equally probable.


Despite its simplicity, when developers attempt to code this from scratch it's extremely common that they make ‘off by one’ errors, which results in a notably biased permutation.

Actually this was the case for the initial implementation of the algorithm in Vita: one of the element of the input dataframe was always selected.

That is the same old story: it's possible for the code to be both simple and wrong and everything must be tested.

See also

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